Primary control
Description of primary control
Primary control is required to automatically even out imbalances between electricity generation and consumption within a few seconds, by activating capacity, thereby stabilising system frequency. A primary control reserve of +/-3,000 MW is constantly maintained on the ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental Europe (RGCE) grid. Every control area makes a pro rata contribution in line with its annual power output. The APG control area is required to reserve some +/-70–80 MW of primary control capacity.
Tender procedure
Since 1 January 2010 Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) has organised the reservation of primary control energy capacity by holding weekly tenders. APCS is not concerned with the supply and settlement of primary control energy services.
We post comprehensive information on the tenders in the restricted area of the APCS clearing platform for the use of balancing energy suppliers that have registered with the site.